V. 1.0 MMXIX.I
Everything changed with the coming of the Traveler. It gave us gifts that transformed the solar system and the nature of human life. It ushered in the Golden Age, a time of miracles. But it never shared its deepest secrets. Where did the Traveler come from? Why did it offer us so much? Did it know it was being hunted across the stars? And why, when the Darkness came, did it choose to stay and fight for us?
Now the Traveler hangs, silent, above humanity’s final sanctuary. It may be healing. It may be dying. It gave everything it had to save us. And now its power lies with us, its Guardians.
Main mechanics and concept were developed by Al of Porcelain Llama Theater, who also provided some of the original concept from which this document was developed and did his best to hunt down typos.
Editing, Design, and Digitization
The design, layout, iconography and editing of this rule book was done by Bambi of Porcelain Llama Theater, also known as the Guardian PixelBright on XBOX.
This rule book is based on the video game franchise, Destiny, by Bungie and Activision. It is a first person shooter with a great number of RPG elements. Deep and engaging lore was written, but was only hinted at in the game and largely documented only in the grimoire cards. This left a rich world unexplored by many players. These rules were created by fans of Destiny seeking to explore more of this expansive hidden universe through the Fate Accelerated system.
How to use these rules
These rules assume you are familiar with the basics of Fate Accelerated. If you aren’t sure what this is, please go the following link to familiarize yourself and get the core rules for how to use Fate Accelerated: https://fate-srd.com/fate-accelerated/get-started. You can also buy the core rule book from Evil Hat Productions (pay-as-you-like for the core book), along with any number of other exciting modules and additional rule books.
The Archives
There is a rich collection of fan sites that provide in-depth background knowledge of the Destiny world. That’s why in many cases these rules stick to short summaries. Links to sources of detailed information are available throughout these summaries to make finding what we think is important or we used as inspiration while writing.
The most valuable archives for your research, players and GMs alike, are:
- Destinypedia
- Destiny Tracker DB Destiny 1
- Destiny Tracker DB Destiny 2
- Destiny subreddit
- Ishtar Collective (quoted content is marked with
- Light.gg
If you aren’t familiar with the game itself, you can catch up on what’s happened in the game world here:
- Destiny 1 plot summary
- Destiny 2 plot summary initial release (see Destinypedia’s Curse of Osiris and Warmind entries for DLC plots)
- Destiny 2 Forsaken plot summary
When the traveler came to rest on Earth at the end of The Collapse of the Golden Age it was broken and barely alive. As its last act before what would become decades of dormancy, it created Ghosts. Ghosts are small AI constructs that carry the Light to the remains of one specific individual who is to be resurrected as a Guardian. By the Golden Age, humanity had grown in diversity with two distinct racial groups: humans and exos. The Collapse added the awoken. Now, any of these people can be unwittingly recruited for a fight for the future none expected to see. The Ghosts themselves don’t know who their Guardian will be or where to find them. Many have found them, and many have yet to. Once resurrected, Ghosts can repeatedly heal all injury, all illness, and revive their Guardian from death, but no other.
As the people chosen by a Ghost to be a bearer of the Light, Guardians are generally regarded as representatives and champions of the Traveler. (Not all Guardians stay on the path of light – given the great power they wield and effective immortality – there are many temptations to stray from nobler ideals.) Guardians awaken with no biographical memory of their past selves, yet retaining their previous personalities, talents, skills, knowledge, and languages. This means starting anew with their identities and idea of self. There are, however, certain proclivities, outlooks, and ways of relating to the Light shared by almost all of those revived as Guardians by the Traveler. Over time, three groups have emerged, each with their own names, traditions, dogmas, infighting and subgroups. Today these groups are generally referred to as Hunters, Titans, and Warlocks.
The Powers that Be
The Traveler brought many amazing technologies and abilities to humanity upon its arrival. It fed the world with knowledge and understanding, and provided immense amounts of energy to help create a world where physical matter could be altered at will. Humanity spread across the solar system to planets terraformed by the Traveler, thereby entering the Golden Age, in which it seemed nothing would be impossible to achieve. When the Traveler’s enemy, The Darkness, came to destroy the Traveler and all its influence, the world was plunged into a new dark age. However, after The Collapse, remnants of technology and the energy provided by the Traveler still exist in part, and are accessed as part of weapon manufacturing, armor design, and the power of Guardians. This so-called paracausal energy takes shape in three main types, Arc, Solar, and Void.
Guardians harness these paracausal energies in different ways. Some hunters prefer electrified blades created with Arc-infused Light. Warlocks often use the mysterious nullifying energies of Void to consume the energy of their enemies. And some Titans bring the energy of the sun down on their enemies with Solar-Light-infused mauls. Where the technology can be scavenged or recovered, some armor and weapons make use of these powers too. (See the equipment section for details.)
2 - Your character sheet so far
2 - Notes for game masters
- How old is too old?
Resurrection of a person to be a Guardian only requires that a Ghost find enough remains of that person. If a player wants to be a caveman, a viking warrior, or someone from Earth’s distant history, that’s perfectly within a Ghost’s capabilities. It is easy enough to say a Guardian was found in a tomb, or even a museum display. Conversely, even people who were born and have died after the Collapse may find themselves resurrected. - Biographical Memory
After resurrection your players’ Guardians will not know who they were because all memories to do with personal experiences, past occurrences, events, and so on are erased. All their skills, knowledge, etc. are retained but will come to them like an autonomic response, without a connection to past experiences in which they learned these things. You may present them with some evidence of who they were if you are playing out their resurrection, or Guardians may look for ways to find information about their historical past. Memory loss only happens after the first resurrection. After being turned into a Guardian, being revived does not damage memory.
Being a Guardian
Your high concept must reflect which of the typical Guardian groups you would be considered to fall under, even if you are not a club-going, dues-paying member of an official organization (for example Titan Orders). The easiest way to do this is to include the group title (or “class”) in your high concept. Your high concept should include other descriptors, and can include various subgroups, allegiances, and beliefs. Your use of the Light (see below) must flow from your high concept, as this is a major part of how Guardians identify themselves and each other.
High Concept Examples
- Exo Hunter, Warden of the Infinite Forest
- Awoken Warlock, Keeper of the Reef’s Secrets
- Human Titan, Sentinel of the Last City
Light Bearer
The Traveler’s Light (often called The Light or simply Light) is a mysterious, powerful force given to Guardians by the Traveler. Every Guardian experiences and relates to the Light in different ways, and its true nature is unknown. Its manifestations, however, are almost sorcerer-like in action, sometimes harnessing the fundamental forces of the universe but always dramatic and effective, leaving many to also describe it as a type of paracausal energy. This also means that all Guardians get an additional approach called Light.
Light as a new Approach
Light represents the amount of paracausal energy the Traveler has chosen to invest in your character. To accommodate this new approach, you can add an additional +1 to assign your initial approaches. You can use Light as any other approach, such as to:
- Overcome: You use Light to see around barriers, break though obstacles, and unlock ancient mysteries of the Golden Age.
- Attack: You use Light to increase the reach of your weapon or steady your hand in battle.
- Defend: Light is channeled to create barriers, increase strength, and prevent incoming damage by altering the rules of physics and matter itself.
Additionally, you have a separate track called Light. Light functions in a manner similar to fate points, with a number of boxes that are checked off as it is used. The number of boxes in this track is equal to the rating of your Light approach plus two. Light can be used to add shifts to your rolls. You can harness your Light for various effects in powerful, mystical-looking ways that align with your high concept, depleting it, and regaining Light by serving the Traveler’s interests or defeating its enemies. How much Light is gained and for what is determined by the GM, in ways similar to fate points, but is always refreshed to at least your default of 2 + Light approach between sessions. In game mechanics terms, Light can be used to add shifts to your actions. Each Light box is worth +2 to the action you are applying it to.
Examples of using the Light track:
- Hunters adding shifts to the damage of their attacks by infusing their weapons and/or projectiles with radiant Solar energy.
- Titans adding shifts to rolls to defend their teammates by creating an incandescent spherical shield of Void energy.
- Warlocks adding shifts to overcome rolls by teleporting in a flash of Void particles.
Become Legend
Super Abilities
To be a Guardian is to have immense and deadly powers to smite the foes of the Light. Your first stunt must describe your super ability. These stunts must be of the “once per session I can” variety and should describe a big and powerful effect that can be used to attack, defend, or create advantages.
Additional Starting Stunts
Besides the super ability, Guardians have the same number of stunts as typical Fate Accelerated characters. The stunts should describe special hand-to-hand attacks, grenades, special effects, or special abilities. Weapons, equipment, and armor are handled as discrete items and are described below.
3 - Your Character Sheet So far
3 - Notes for game masters
- Power Level
Some Guardians are forces of nature. Others have weapons and military prowess they enhance with Light. How a player allots points to the Light approach should be reflected in the type of stunts and super they create. As a game master the limit to the super of one use per session is a suggestion, intended to keep what should be a god-slaying level attack from being the only solution Guardians use. The way aspects, equipment, and other elements of the game will interact, Guardians are meant to be able to fell hundreds of foes and stop armies in their tracks, but not without effort and preparation. As your players are working on their supers/stunts keep this in mind for challenges you want to present them with, and how much their Light tracks will be able to dial that up.
Weapons, Equipment, and Armor
Basic weapons and equipment are provided to every Guardian free of charge by quartermasters in the Tower, located in the Last City, on Earth. Some personalized clothing and decoration can also be made by your Ghost out of readily available raw material that are purely decorative in nature.
Any equipment you aren’t currently using or wearing is mainly stored on your person or by your Ghost in a highly compact form known as programmable matter. Likewise, your Ghost can data-compress itself down to exist in a compact matter form on your body. This means you have a tremendous carrying capacity, and the nature of the matter allows quick deployment of your gear when it is in the buffer. Other equipment that is deeper in your archives may need more time to be brought into being. Or if it is a larger item, waiting times might be an issue. When left in its most basic form, programmable matter is also called Glimmer, and can be used as currency.
Guardians who have proven themselves will have access to goods designed by leading foundries, usually at an excellent price and sometimes for free. Players can design their own weapons and armor based on the templates given in the equipment creation section. Particularly unique or special equipment can sometimes be found in ruins of the Golden Age, or in the hands of adversaries, ripe for the looting.
A Guardian’s wardrobe
There are 5 main components to every Guardian’s set of armor. Each of these “slots” can be filled with one matching type of armor.
- Helmet
- Cuirass (chest armor)
- Gauntlets
- Greaves (leg armor)
- Class item (Titan mark, Hunter cloak, Warlock bond)
Depending on the types of equipment a Guardian collects or buys, they can add other items to their worn equipment such as rings or other jewelry, under-armor, ponchos, or anything the GM deems reasonable and functional with other equipment. The cost and effect of these items can be handled like all other equipment as described in the equipment creation section.
Accessing your gear
As long as you are not in combat and the scene you’re in seems a reasonable place to swap gear, any of your equipment can be deployed to wear or use. Guardians can have at the ready one primary weapon, one secondary weapon, and one heavy weapon. Once engaged with the enemy or in some kind of complex interaction the following rules apply:
- Switching to your readied primary or secondary weapon takes no turns.
- Switching from a secondary or primary weapon to a readied heavy weapon takes a turn.
- Swapping armor takes a turn.
- Switching a readied weapon from personal storage takes a turn.
Using weapons and armor
Armor and weapons each come with aspects. Some exotic types will provide you with extra stunts. Weapon and armor aspects can be tapped as usual by paying fate or Light points to add shifts. In any scene, your first use of a weapon aspect and first use of an armor aspect are free. Weapon aspects apply to attacks made with that weapon. Armor aspects apply to approaches and defense while wearing that armor. Stunts are used as described.
Forged for Battle
In the City there are a number of weapon foundries that provide basic weapons to civilians, militias, and law enforcement. These foundries also create special and more high-end equipment for Guardians. In addition to the well-established foundries are individual weapon/smiths and even Guardians who take pride in creating equipment that helps keep the City safe and Guardians deadly. Many Guardians take on some of the work of adding and removing features to their equipment with the help of their Ghosts. All this results in a large variety of weapons and armor being available to beginner Guardians, and fantastical powerful machines of war in the hands of those well established, well connected, or just plain lucky in the salvage game.
Designing Equipment
Equipment is created using a point system. As equipment becomes more customized, complex, or powerful, the cost of adjustments increases to account for the time, materials, and effort that are needed to handle the work. Each point for creating a new item is equivalent to 500 Glimmer. When creating weapons and armor it important to first classify the type of item it is, and then apply the points as desired for effects. (For armor the type is simply what part of the armor it is, e.g. a helmet.)
Weapon types
- Primary weapons (kinetic): usually auto rifles, scout rifles, hand cannons, pulse rifles, and other “anti-personnel” weapons.
- Secondary weapons (energy): usually sniper rifles, weapons making use of energy-based rounds, energy weapons, shotguns, and other “special-use” weapons.
- Heavy weapons (power): usually rocket launchers, heavy LASERs, grenade launchers, machine guns, and other “anti-materiel” or “area of effect” weapons.
Tier 1: Basic Professional Grade Armor and Weapons (Common)
Easily received from City foundries or companies, often free of charge to Guardians.
- Costs 1 point, typically:
- Weapon or armor item has a single aspect.
Tier 2: High-end Professional Equipment with Specialization (Rare)
Easily purchased in the City from foundries or companies, and frequently used as promotional rewards for Guardians who participate in sponsored events.
- Costs 3 points, typically:
- Weapon has 2 aspects and +1 to hit, damage, or named approach
- Armor has 2 aspects and +1 to a named approach
Tier 3: Complex Modern Technology (Legendary)
This gear uses scavenged or reverse-engineered Golden Age tech, is the product of a master crafts-person, utilizes paracausal energies, or some mix of the three. This is typically found in the armory of Guardians with some time and accomplishments behind them, and is often their go-to.
- Costs 5 points, typically:
- Weapon has 2 aspects, +1 hit, damage, or named approach, and a stunt
- Armor has 2 aspects, +1 to a named approach, and a stunt
Tier 4: Renowned Unique Guardian-purposed Equipment (Exotic)
This is exotic gear, often one-of-a-kind, or in very limited qualities as the reward for a great accomplishment or membership in an elite Guardian order. It uses Golden Age technology, has been made or at least refurbished by a master crafts-person, and may well use paracausal energy. It may be a Guardian’s signature gear.
- Costs 10 points, typically:
- Weapon has 3 aspects, +2 to hit, damage, or named approach (or split 1-1), and a stunt
- Armor has 3 aspects, +2 to a named approach (or split 1-1), and a stunt
Modifying existing equipment
Altering existing items can be done by a Guardian’s Ghost if it has the relevant skills, or outsourced to foundries or individual armorers. Custom items can be made by most forges and crafts-people, and features can be added to existing weapons. Most stunts, aspects, and bonuses can also be switched out for others of the same type, or converted into points for the purchase of new features. In these cases, a starting price of 600 Glimmer per point is to be expected, depending on the complexity of the change in question. Above tier four, this will probably climb to 1,000 Glimmer per point, as this involves highly advanced technology, exquisite crafting, and probably paracausal energies as well.
Point cost for individual adjustments to an item
- Aspect = 1 point
- Stunt = 3 points
- Increased weapon bonus to hit or to damage = 2 points per bonus level up to a total of +4, after +4 the cost is the total bonus squared. (E.g. modifying a weapon so that it has +5 to hit costs 25 points.)
- Increased approach bonus = 2 points per bonus level up to a total of +2, after +2 the cost is the total bonus squared. (E.g. modifying a helmet so that it gives +3 to Careful costs 9 points.)
Class Items
Each member of the Titan, Hunter or Warlock class of Guardians wears a symbol of that philosophical leaning as part of tradition and as a way of showing off allegiances, achievements, or particular skills. Class items will provide a variety of different effects and are always found or awarded to a Guardian, therefore GMs should consider ways in which their players’ characters might come across different or better class items. Class items are created using the same template as armor of the same tier. Modification is the same as for all other equipment.
Artifacts, Mods, and Special Equipment
Throughout the Destiny world there are also a number of other items Guardians use to make themselves even more indomitable. Items like grenades, single-use modifications such as special ammunition types, ghillie suits, or a nice set of clothes to go out in the town in, can be crafted at the GMs discretion using the points system or straight Glimmer costs when considering consumer goods. For example a Warlock might have some void vortex grenades recovered from a downed ship on mars. This item can then provide a +1 to a character forcefully attacking a group of enemies, and is then considered expended from their inventory.
Example use of Aspect Bonuses
When a Titan has a helmet that has the aspect “Insurmountable Skullfort”, due to its extra reinforcing armor plates, she can use this aspect to add +2 to a Forceful defense roll.
GM: Looks like that Hive Prince is on the mark with his Boomer, Titan. You’re going to take 8 stress!
Titan: I’m tough, and my armor is too, I’m just going to shoulder that blast and keep pushing forward. Looks like I rolled a +2, and my Forceful is +4, so I’m going to use my Insurmountable Skullfort’s extra protection to add +2 and get a total of +8.
GM: Good thing, you don’t take any damage, but looks like you’re still knocked flat from the hit.
Example use of Hit/Damage Bonuses
When a hunter has a hand cannon with +2 to hit.
GM: That’s going to be a very long shot on that Vex Hobgoblin since he’s at least 3 zones away. I’m going to penalize you for the distance with -2.
Hunter: Alright, I’m carefully taking this shot. My roll’s a +1 and my Careful is +4, my +2 to hit makes it a total of +7, minus the 2 for range, so a total of +5 to hit and 3 stress for damage.
GM: Looks like you take him by surprise right in the creamy center!
Little Light
When the Traveler used almost the last of its power to retreat to Earth, it also created thousands of small sentient flying constructs called Ghosts. These Ghosts are the vehicle of the resurrection of Guardians from the dead remains of former citizens of the Golden Age. Each Ghost is an individual entity, with a unique personality, history, and abilities. Ghosts are typically created by the GM and assigned to each Guardian.
Meet your Ghost
After players have created their character concept, the GM will be in charge of designing a Ghost for each of them. A Ghost is part NPC and part equipment. They have unique personalities, quirks, and interests. Ghosts sometimes have given themselves names during their search for their Guardian, others try to remain blank slates until they find the right person. If you are playing out the resurrection of your Guardians, this will be the first time characters meet their Ghost, and so creation should be solely up to the GM. If you are playing with established Guardians, this can optionally be done together with your players. Depending on where in the timeline you are setting your game, Ghosts may have their own complex back stories involving their experiences during their search.
Ghosts are built just like starting characters, with two exceptions:
- They always start with the same approaches: Careful +1, Clever +3, Quick +2, and 0 in the rest.
- They have only one stunt (usually something like “Because I am a Ghost, I can re-materialize your sparrow as a free action”, at first, though as the characters progress, or if the players have established Guardians, these stunts can be just as creative as for any character.)
Ghosts in Action
Players may give up a turn to take a turn as their Ghost, or may choose remain out of action after being slain and use their Ghost to continue a scene instead. At other times the GM may take control of a Ghost, controlling its actions as it goes on about its own business not only serving its Guardian, but its own desires, whims, and the enigmatic purposes of the Traveler.
Space is Big and How to Traverse It
On-location travel
Transporting people, materials, and goods is achieved with vehicles similar to those seen today, except they utilize free clean Traveler energy. Trucks, trains, cars, and ground transport for everyday use were developed along familiar lines in the Golden Age, but the hover-bike is among the favorites of Guardians. These are generally called sparrows, although other designations exist for sub-types. A new Guardian will want to acquire a sparrow as quickly as possible to make movement between battlefields, and just across the City as easy as possible. Due to their compact size sparrows can be carried in the local storage space of a Guardian and their straightforward design allows them to be repairable by Ghosts.
Transporting material into orbit and to and from locations however was hastened by the technology of transport-materialization, now colloquially referred to as “transmat”. This is the familiar kind of teleportation technology we are all familiar with from science fiction. All space-capable ships have a transmat system, as do some City services to aid in delivery of people and products.
Intrasystem travel
When the Traveler began terraforming planets in the solar system to make them human habitable, the need to overcome travel times to these distant worlds became necessary. The Golden Age provided the solution in so-called “jump drive” technology, cutting down the travel time from years to minutes, even to the outer reaches of the solar system. Ships that employ that technology are referred to as jumpships. These ships are also capable of in-atmosphere flight, and are used instead of other aircraft for Guardians going between locations on the same planet when transmat hops via a ship in orbit are not possible. A jumpship is usually one of the first big purchases or scavenging jobs for a new Guardian, otherwise getting to the various battlefronts would be impossible. Access to jumpships is limited mainly to Guardians (or the very wealthy) due to the rarity of the components needed to build them, and The City’s interest in keeping citizens out of the dangerous regions beyond the city walls.
Building a sparrow
Sparrows are treated like a piece of equipment and can be purchased and built with the same point system as weapons and armor. Sparrows usually have one stress box, but specialized racing or combat sparrows might have more. In addition, they have three approaches of their own to model the performance of a high-speed hover-bike. These approaches always start at 1, and can be added to using the same modification costs as for other equipment.
- Durability: how much punishment the sparrow can take before it stops hover-biking
- Maneuverability: agility and stunt capability
- Speed: how fast you can go
Building a jumpship
Jumpships are treated as the main body of action for the Guardian when in flight. Jumpships get 3 stress boxes and two aspects to start, with a base cost of 2500 glimmer. As with sparrows, space combat relies on the quality of the vehicle, so jumpships get approaches of their own to be used for managing ship-to-ship fighting. Initial approach values are assigned the same as to a character. Modification to ships is slightly more expensive, costing the base modification cost +50%, due to the rarity of the technology and limited number of people who can do the work. The pilot (whether Ghost or Guardian) might apply approaches to creating advantages involving their use of the ship’s systems.
- Durability: armor and shielding
- Firepower: weapon power (individual weapons and types of attack can be described as aspects)
- Maneuverability: agility in space and in atmosphere
- Sensors: how well you can detect object in space around you, and on planets you’re orbiting
- Speed: how fast you can go
- Stealth: how well cloaked you are from detection by others’ sensors
4 - Your Character Sheet So far
4 - Notes for game masters
- What’s in a name?
Almost all armor and weapons in the Destiny world that aren’t off-the-shelf common items have a name. This is particularly true of the truly powerful and exotic weapons that are legends in and of themselves, or the prestigious weapons only given or claimed by the best of the best. If you’re stumped about what to call your weapons, this handy Destiny Name Generator will give you some great – some funny – results. You can also visit the Destiny Tracker DB or Light.gg to look through all in-game weapons to use as templates. - Hammer and Anvil
- Most reasonable gear up to tier three can be readily purchased from commercial forges or craftspeople for the prices listed, and players should feel free to create their own “commercial products” which can then be treated as extant items.
- At tier four this is up to GM discretion, as these are usually not commercial, off-the-shelf items, but truly special things, and there probably should be some narrative involvement in addition to the Glimmer cost to reflect this.
- If you feel like a tier-four item might reasonably available on the market, it’s probably in high demand, custom-made when ordered, or both. Consider having the maker ask for half up front, and setting a reasonable time-frame (3 to 6 weeks is suggested) or having the player make a luck roll each session: on a +, the item is available for pickup and/or purchase.
- If you feel like going outside the tier system, simply use a price of 500 Glimmer per point for commercial, off-the-shelf items.
- Ghosts in Shells
Ghosts have their own basic equipment called a Ghost shell. These shells are very basic at the start of the game, but, just like characters, stunts, aspects, and improved approaches, can be added to a Ghost by improving its shell. The point cost for creation, purchase, and improvement is the same as for armor and comes with the same point/class dynamic. During character advancement, you should let players know that they can apply the milestone benefits to their Ghost instead of themselves if they wish, as Ghosts gain experience, knowledge, and abilities just like a person would.
Immortal Combat
By this point, character sheets, starting equipment, and Ghosts should be ready to go. Guardians will seek out and destroy their enemies, and being immortal makes that pretty interesting. The first subsections below give a few more rules about conceding and being taken out as a Guardian. The subsequent sections describe some of the other types of combat Guardians may find themselves in, or seeking out.
Conceding and Being Taken Out
Conceding can always take the form of temporary death, with your Ghost preserving your essence to be revived at a better time or flying off to do it in a safer place. Being taken out usually means that the Darkness consumes you, and there is no way back. You are considered to be consumed by the Darkness when your fellow Guardians do not have sufficient Light to revive you or your Ghost is already out of Light having revived you at the end of a session.
Reviving the slain
If a Guardian goes down, other Guardians may spend Light to refill their fallen comrade’s stress boxes. All stress must be healed to revive the character. A Ghost may sacrifice all its Light to instantly revive a character with all stress and consequences cleared and also full refresh and Light, but that character may not be revived again until their now dead Ghost is revived by being given Light equivalent to twice that of the character’s stress boxes. Dead Ghosts may take no further actions until revived. Ghosts may only sacrifice themselves twice in their lifetimes.